I am here to look for real and true love that accepts who the real I am in person and in my sexuality I am a very kind and sweet romantic lady I love to cuddle and be closed to my partner I like to

Tatasimbajon27: i am a lady boy seek love...
Alla ricerca di: Maschio Età 18 a 90
Stato: 44 singolo Gay Maschio
Interessato a: Relazione a lungo termine
Razza: asiatico
Vita: Vivo da solo
Eye Catcher: Culo
Altezza: 5'6 pollici
Corpo: Sopra la media
Capelli/Occhi: Nero, Nero
Fumo: Nessuna risposta
Bere: Nessuna risposta
Esercizio A volte
Politica: Nessuna risposta
Scolarizzazione: Laurea
Religione: cristiano
Reddito: Meno di $15.000
Occupazione: Teaching
Prole: Nessuna risposta
Personalità: Umoristico
Nazione: Philippines

I am here to look for real and true love that accepts who the real I am in person and in my sexuality I am a very kind and sweet romantic lady I love to cuddle and be closed to my partner I like to cook food reading books shopping internet adventure I am working in the academe do my teaching profession and staff work I am a ladyboy who can be the lucky love for the man who wants to be loved and cared for

Adventure  Beach  Cinema  Dine Out  Food  Park  The Movie  Theater