Singolo Male in United States, , Single in Florida, Gainsville Male

Winklerjasonne: seeking soulmate ltr...
Alla ricerca di: Femmina Età 41 a 90
Stato: 64 singolo Dritto Maschio
Interessato a: Relazione a lungo termine
Razza: Bianco/Europea
Vita: Vivo da solo
Eye Catcher: Il petto
Altezza: 5'9 pollici
Corpo: Media
Capelli/Occhi: Marrone, Nero
Fumo: Non c'è modo
Bere: Non toccarlo mai
Esercizio 2 volte a settimana
Politica: Nessuna
Scolarizzazione: Abbandono scolastico
Religione: Agnostico
Reddito: $45,001 a $65,000
Occupazione: Self Employed
Prole: Nessuna
Personalità: Timido
Nazione: United States

I am merry tender romantic but at the same time I try to be objective evaluating the world surrounding me I do like admiring the seascape which make you feel ike leaving for a distant journey learning something new you have never known before I like dancing in the discotheques and spending romantic evenings with candlelight listening to quiet melodies I take interest in fitness swimming and often make runs along the sea side I like cooking but tasting something another person has cooked feels fine IM LOOKING FOR My soulmate my true love my best friendI knw that you are out there somewhere Im searching for that one sweet special woman the one Ill love for the rest of my life Im looking for a long term relationship Im a very loving caring nurturing person and have alot of love to giveIm honest kind gentle giving patient understanding intelligent devoted faithful supportive and extremely affectionate